
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

I am completely re-writing the first chapter. · 6:53am Aug 16th, 2021

I really should have put the damn thing on hiatus, I haven't had any time to work on the stupid thing until now. but yeah as the title of the post reads I'm completely redoing the first chapter to add a bit more context as to what the hell is going on. I am really sorry, honest to God.


Ice Star vs. 2020: Posting Hiatus + UPDATES ON ALL STORIES · 8:47am Jan 7th, 2021

This isn't going to be a happy blog. It isn't even going to be a relatively nice blog or a blog about anything be okay. I don't know when I'll be able to make blogs like that again, or frankly any kind of content in general like that. I'm not the site's most personal figure, and I never really aimed to be, so it makes sense if a lot of people hadn't realized that anything was really going on with me. I take the social out of 'social media' a lot by being what essentially amounts to a digital

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